Quarantine Diaries: The Luck of the Bored

We are somehow busier now than before.

Having the level of technology during this time has allowed life to carry on as “normal”, as if any of this is normal. I feel as though I am stressing about school twice as much, receiving triple the amount of emails, and finding my mental health completely out of whack because of the lack of separation between real life and school life. Yet we are still being evaluated as if we are coming to and from class and the whole world isn’t on a lockdown because of a pandemic.

Life has transformed into a scary movie script, I go outside and see masked drivers pass by me, my favorite park has turned into a triage and testing center, and I fear for the lives and safety of my friends and family

My parents and sister are in and out of “meetings” all day “at work”, meanwhile half of the day we are all working at the same table shushing each other and trying to just grind through our daunting to do lists. It is a bit crazy. But on the alternative, how would we occupy our time otherwise? In 3 short weeks I will have no school responsibility. Will I be wishing that I had school work to complete? 

I don't know if I am the only one, but I don't feel bored. I feel the opposite. Overstimulated. Sounds weird huh? A time where you have nothing to do than sit around your house... how are you not bored? 

I have never been in this much contact in my life. My email is flooded with long winded explanations. I receive paragraphs on text daily. Phone calls everyday. I am hearing from people I haven't spoken to in years. It's almost overwhelming. 

How can you not be entertained. We have every kind of technology. Between my family of 4, the internet, tv shows, card games, board games, working out, self-care, music, and work I feel like I am in overdrive. Constantly expected to be doing something, because "what are you doing" has become the new "how are you doing". The "superstructure" as described is almost thriving off this isolation period. Without structure, there is no separation between work and home. No lunch hour, no commuting times, just a constant flow of looming anxiety to be doing something.

But I think this attitude of continuous productivity, is detrimental to the empathy and processing that should be occurring during this time. I think the idea of boredom during this time is so incredibly insensitive. Nurses are enduring 12 hour shifts day after day watching their patience die before them. Something I saw that really drove this home was this heartbreaking video. I feel ashamed to be apart of a culture that ignores the pain and trauma others are enduring. Below are a couple examples of how a fitness influencer and a streaming service are continuing to advertise and grow business during this time.

My mom said it best, "you're lucky if you are bored." During this scary time, we are lucky to be bored. I don't think people on social media are remembering the privilege we are granted by staying home. Essential workers are in the front lines battling an invisible enemy. 


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